Behind the Keyboard

Mandy Hooper Mandy Hooper

Have Fun

There’s more to life than rinse-and-repeat. Take every opportunity to have fun

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Mandy Hooper Mandy Hooper

Lemon Water

Drinking lemon water in the morning is more than hydration. High in vitamin C and containing magnesium, potassium, folate, vitamin B6, iron and calcium while being low in sugar and having no fat, cholesterol or sodium; lemons really are all that

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Mandy Hooper Mandy Hooper


Expression of self is as old as time; from cave paintings to sculpture. There are endless ways to express your creativity.

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Mandy Hooper Mandy Hooper

Caring Souls

Having a big heart can be hard work. There’s a delicate balance between being of service to others and protecting yourself

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Mandy Hooper Mandy Hooper

I am the storm

On days when confidence isn’t forthcoming, solid reinforcement helps.

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Mandy Hooper Mandy Hooper

The Importance of Hobbies

Spending time on the things you love is great for mental health, can make you a little cash and keeps your mind active.

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Mandy Hooper Mandy Hooper


Stretching is more than just about improving flexibility; it’s great for balance, joint health, sleep and even mental health.

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Mandy Hooper Mandy Hooper

Feed your Brain

Your brain is the control centre of your body. Undertaking activities that stimulate the grey matter is an investment.

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Mandy Hooper Mandy Hooper

Blue Light and Sleep

Exposure to blue light can affect sleep quality. Using a blue light filter or blue light glasses can help reduce the impacts

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Mandy Hooper Mandy Hooper


Traditions are cornerstone of family culture and tie us across generations

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Mandy Hooper Mandy Hooper

Be Brave

Bravery is not about being fearless. It is feeling fear and doing it anyway.

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Mandy Hooper Mandy Hooper


Writing is incredibly cathartic. Journalling is a way to clarify your thoughts to assist with self-awareness

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Mandy Hooper Mandy Hooper

Spice it up

Herbs and spices are a great way to add micro-nutrients to meals

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Mandy Hooper Mandy Hooper


Sleep is fundamental to optimal health. Adults should aim for 7-9 hours a night. Read all about good sleep hygiene and what you can do to get a better night’s sleep

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Mandy Hooper Mandy Hooper

Environmental Health

Decluttering and setting your home up so there is a place for everything is not only calming but it is a productivity hack

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Mandy Hooper Mandy Hooper

Foam Rolling

Offering myofascial release to aid muscle recovery, foam rolling is a cheaper alternative to massage

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