I am the storm


Fate whispers to the warrior, 'You cannot withstand the storm.' The warrior whispers back, 'I am the storm.'”  - Jake Remington

My latest bit of bling from Delta and Co came with the most badass slip of paper stating 

Life is funny.

It’s always trying to break you.

But it has no idea who the fuck it’s dealing with.

You tell that bitch who the storm is. 

I wear this bracelet on days when my confidence wavers; when I know I will have to tackle big items at work or when I am facing personal issues where I need a reminder of my inner strength. When, even though my heart is pounding and my voice is shaking, I stand up (metaphorically, not physically) and speak my truth.

Life is hard. And, regardless of what anyone says, it is not fair. You can do all the 'right' things and still lose. You can care for and look out for others, and they will still break your heart. You can embrace new challenges only to find out that they weren't the right fit.

In these times, we all need a little reminder of what lies under the surface. Of the strength and power that few will ever have the privilege to see. Sometimes this is a text from a friend or significant other that says "hey, you're doing great" or "hold your head high and leave that shithole/arsewipe" or perhaps "you're better than that, don't let them drag you down."

For the times when I need a little reminder that I am resilient; that I have survived much worse and that great things will come again I wear this bracelet.  I wear this bracelet as a reminder that I am in control; that I create my own wind; that I am capable, confident and resourceful. I wear this to help me find my inner resolve. To assist me in drawing down and tapping into my firm foundation. A foundation that I have built over many years. A core that is unwavering; based on my deepest beliefs and values of compassion, honesty, and health. A core that acts simultaneously as my anchor and my rudder, holding me firm when I need to be still and steering me on a course to greatness when I need to move forward.

Life will always throw curveballs your way.  But I believe action beats intention every time.  So, sometimes you have to lace up your waterproof boots, put on your raincoat, flip your hood over your head and walk boldly into the storm to ensure you reach your destination. 

Let the judges judge. They're going to anyway. 


Caring Souls


The Importance of Hobbies