
Street art

What is creativity?

Let's start with the Oxford English Dictionary definition so we're all on the same page. Creativity is "the use of imagination or original ideas to create something". Creativity is synonymous with inventiveness.

Why is creativity important?

Often seen as a time-waster, the benefits of creativity should not be overlooked.

Apart from the sense of pride (and the associated sense of fulfilment and self-confidence) that comes from creating something from scratch, there are other benefits to having a creative career or hobby. These include

  • Stress reduction

  • Anxiety management

  • Increased mood (therefore improved mental health)

  • A sense of self-expression and self-awareness

  • Freedom - the ability to explore what they like without the confines of others' expectations

  • An expanded sense of time; where it feels like time slows down

  • Increased ability to solve problems

  • Connection with the community

  • Impulse control impulse buying

  • A conduit to personal growth 

  • A safe place to make mistakes

The physical health benefits of being creative include reduced blood pressure, improved triglyceride levels (and therefore heart health) and increased dopamine (the neurotransmitter responsible for pleasure). Creative pursuits are linked to increased immunity, better glucose regulation and reduced risk of heart disease.

Many people are quick to denounce that they are not creative. If you take the time to delve a little deeper, you can often find creative pursuits in most people's lives it's just that they are not recognised as such.

Creativity can be found everywhere. From cupcakes to crochet, from flower arranging to fire twirling,  from balloon figures to bonsai,  from olive oil soaps to oil painting, from charcoal drawing to cartoons, from poetry to pottery, from landscaping to lettering, from papier mache to photography, from acting to architecture, from glass blowing to ganache - the list of creative outlets is almost endless.

A side note - I am partial to graffiti as a creative expression (there's something about a little act of rebellion that creates something truly magical and transforms a dull, blank space into a colourful display of art. NOTE I abhor tagging. It is ego-driven and generally destructive in nature). Graffiti with permission is the best - where street art has the ability to generate an income for truly talented individuals. I love it so much here's a collection from around Melbourne, Sydney and Bali that I have seen and absolutely love.


Seek and You Shall Find


Caring Souls