Behind the Keyboard

Mandy Hooper Mandy Hooper

Incremental Health: The book

Writing a book is hard work, this one was no exception. Despite the effort, it’s one of the best things I have ever done.

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Mandy Hooper Mandy Hooper

Meal planning and prep

Having a steady stream of nutritious, tasty meals throughout the week is easier than you think - enter meal prep!

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Mandy Hooper Mandy Hooper

Have Fun

There’s more to life than rinse-and-repeat. Take every opportunity to have fun

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Mandy Hooper Mandy Hooper


Expression of self is as old as time; from cave paintings to sculpture. There are endless ways to express your creativity.

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Mandy Hooper Mandy Hooper

The Importance of Hobbies

Spending time on the things you love is great for mental health, can make you a little cash and keeps your mind active.

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Mandy Hooper Mandy Hooper


Traditions are cornerstone of family culture and tie us across generations

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