Incremental Health: The book


I have been working for such a long time on this book; it felt at times that this day would never come. I am so proud and humbled to bring Incremental Health to the world.

They say it takes a village to raise a child and my book baby is no exception. I have been so lucky to collaborate with uber-talented people on this creation. The fact that the cover showcases my son's artwork is enough to floor any mother. However, through the production of the Incremental Health book, I worked with a swathe of people that have made the unfamiliar pleasurable. The amazing Alline from The Infologist put together some incredible artwork for the pages of the book based on some pretty shoddy initial designs on my part.  Deborah Singerman did an incredible job polishing a rough diamond with her incredible editing skills and the team at Green Hill brought it all together beautifully! Words cannot express my gratitude to these people, though I have tried to do this justice in the book.

Incremental Health is the one-stop shop for busy people to be able to transform their lives to achieve their health goals without shame or guilt.

But this is not a sales pitch. There are people much better equipped for marketing than me! This is the reality of writing. The long hours after long days at work; the doubt; the cost and the unrelenting hours of rework to hone words so they accurately and succinctly reflect my research. So that you, the reader, can have a joyful experience.

Like a gymnast after training for hundreds of hours for a three-minute performance, Incremental Health is the culmination of seven years of reading, analysis and critical thinking. It is the outcome of trying a myriad of techniques, products and potions.

You see, while I have always dreamed of two professions - a mother and a writer - it took a while to achieve both. While good things are worth the wait, I wish I had the courage to start my writing career earlier. While I am blessed to have a job I love, writing is my passion. I lose time when I write. I enter a state of flow and can write for hours without interruption. I believe that writing is my calling.

I also believe that everyone has a story to tell. Self-publishing gives people like me, unconnected and unknown, an avenue to get my work out into the world. Incremental Health would not have been a possibility a decade ago. I am very grateful for the change in publishing as a result of the digital age. Blogs set the scene for a change in the way the world consumes written content. Almost overnight, people who had been slaving away trying to get published in traditional magazines and newspapers were given an avenue to promote their work. And the global population responded with vigour.

I started with a number of blogs that had a small readership but all attracted positive feedback. While I was writing for my own satisfaction; it turns out that people liked to read what I wrote. This created a self-fulfilling prophecy - the more I wrote, the more people would comment about my writing, and the more I wanted to write.

While I am still bound financially to keep my day job (and, thankfully, I honestly love what I do 9-5); the initial success of Incremental Health has spurred me into picking up the next in the series. Yep! I have a plan for a series of health books and the next one will leverage the learning from Incremental Health which will, hopefully, result in a shorter production time.

If you are interested in the book you can go to to see the great work by Green Hill Publishing.

Available for purchase via Amazon.


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