Seek and You Shall Find

Sunset over the ocean

Your attention determines your reality. Read that again. Your attention determines your reality. What you focus on matters.

If you’re looking for reasons your day sucks, it will suck so much more. If you’re looking for indicators that your partner is having an affair, everything they do will seem to point towards suspicious activity. If you’re looking for beauty, you’ll be amazed at all the little things you will find to marvel in. If you’re looking for yellow cars, pregnant ladies or bald men in purple shirts, you’ll see them everywhere. 

The truth is, the world hasn’t changed in any of the scenarios I have painted. Everything is as it was. 

Your intention to find a specific thing draws your conscious attention to it. That’s all. No magic tricks. Nothing special at all, really. Except for the immense power of your mind. It’s your choice, therefore, to focus on positive or negative experiences.

Regardless of how something appears, your perspective matters. Choose to look for the best in people, the beauty in mundane things and the light in every experience. I promise you that retraining your brain in this way will make an immense impact on your quality of life. 

Minimal effort; maximum return.


Lemon Water

