Soul Food

View from a plane to paddocks and trees below

While it is important to feed your body with good food it is also important to feed your soul with things you love; things that make you happy.

Here are a few of my favourites for nourishing my soul, recharging my batteries and bringing peace into my world.


I firmly believe that life was not meant to be lived in one spot. Culture, experiences and adventure await beyond the bounds of your neighbourhood.


More than a source of vitamin D and warmth, sunshine tends to bring great happiness.


Warm, comforting and good for you; herbal tea can get you through some of the roughest times.


Yoga is more than stretching, it is a connection to the soul. It is also great for circulation and clears the mind (you try thinking about budgets while trying to hold a crow pose!). The additional upside is that yoga makes you look majestic.


There’s something special about fresh flowers - the smell, the colour and the promise of new life.


Touch therapy releases feel-good hormones. Massage also eases sore muscles, stimulates circulation and aids lymphatic drainage.


Relax while you learn! Reading is an inexpensive (free if you use a local library service) way to expand your horizons, learn new skills and pick up some cool vocab as well. Add a cup of tea to a good non-fiction book and you have, in my opinion, the ultimate triplet.


Spending time in nature (whether it is your local park, the beach or a pristine patch of virgin rainforest) not only fills your lungs with fresh air but helps to clear the mind and rejuvenate the soul.


Whether it’s photography, woodwork, knitting, crosswords, gardening or belly dancing, a hobby you love can bring you hours of fun (and maybe a little side income too).


Banana Protein Pancakes


From burnout to thriving