

COVID took the world by storm. With the fury of a tornado or the gradual onset of a steady flood, I am not aware of a single person that has been unaffected by the pandemic.

Adversity brings out the best and the worst of humanity. I've seen and been a part of both. In times of deep overwhelm, I retract. I withdraw into my own world and make myself as small as possible; for being small has served me well in the past when I have had to protect myself.

But being small is not what I am designed for. I am meant for greatness. I am the healthiest and happiest when I am out in the community and doing good for others.

So, on this random Sunday a quarter of the way through the calendar year, I am calling a restart. I am naming today as the first day of the new year for me. At 0836, I am declaring that I am starting afresh. I am laying down overwhelm and getting my shit together.

This morning I went for a glorious walk in the pre-dawn, watched the sunrise, cleaned under the stairs, listened to a podcast while I ate breakfast, lodged a very overdue tax claim and reinvigorated my passion for writing. Today is the day I start to reclaim control and start again to do the things that bring me joy, allow me to share my vibrant nature with the world and spread love.

Every action has consequences. My choices over the last 18 months have been made with survival in mind but to live we must give. And we cannot give to others unless we first give to ourselves. There is nothing selfish about self-care. It is a necessity to ensure that we can keep our own cup full enough to share the best of what we have with others.

I say this not for you, dear reader, but for me. 

This blog is a reminder to myself (and, by extension) to each and every one of you reading this) that I am the storm and that I can do amazing things. Watch out - she's back!


From burnout to thriving

