

I am often asked about how I stay motivated (to work out, eat healthily, and keep working on a side hustle while maintaining a high-pressure full-time job).  For me, it's easy. All of those things are firmly rooted to my 'why'. Finding motivation isn't hard,  because each of the things that I do regularly can be linked to my overall purpose - I want to help others. After all, motivation is literally defined as the reason/s for acting or behaving in a particular way.

I know it seems crazy to think that working out and eating healthy is about anyone but me. Sure, I benefit. But the real winners are those around me. They get the best of me when I take care of myself. I can be a better mother, daughter, sister and friend when I am in full health. I can give more of myself to the people I love when my cup is full.

While I have no issues finding motivation 90% of the time, there are situations when it is hard. For me, this coincides with times when my self-esteem is low, or my ego has taken a bruising; or when I feel like everything around me is crumbling and the world is out of control.

So, what can you do when motivation wanes?

From personal experience, I can suggest the following four things

  1. Be clear on your priorities. Clarity means that you can make meaningful sacrifices today that set you up for the future you want to create

  2. Reward small wins. Rewards don't need to be material - a walk in the sunshine on a Sunday afternoon, a picnic on the front lawn or reading a book in the park.

  3. Go for a walk outside. Fresh air, circulation and knowing that there is a whole world out there are incredibly grounding. I find walking especially helpful in the early morning, when the moon is still out and the last few stars are shining. It helps to know that you are part of something much greater than whatever problem you are facing at the moment

  4. Find inspiration - whatever works for you; whether it be a TED talk, reading a biography, quotes, or cat memes (no judgement here). The point of inspiration is to help connect you to your why; the reason you're working on whatever you need motivation to keep going with.

And sometimes, just sometimes, all you can do is hang in there. There are times when things won't go your way no matter how hard you try. Times when, regardless of how hard you try, you fail. In situations like these, all you can do is ride it out. Like the squirrel in the tree, you need to dig your claws in and hang on. Recognise that everything is fleeting; that there is no permanence. Knowing that this too shall pass is one of the greatest sources of hope. And, in my opinion, hope is the greatest motivator of all. Hope is what fuels aspiring writers to edit their manuscripts; athletes to get up early to go through another gruelling training session and broken hearts the strength to take another chance.

On days when motivation is missing, please be kind to yourself. We are humans not machines; we cannot be on all the time.

Tomorrow is a new day with new opportunities. Tomorrow is filled with hope. Tomorrow allows you to get up, take a deep breath and try again. Every new day is a chance to reconnect to your purpose; dig deeper, work harder and go further.




Lockdown daily practice