Book Reviews

Books on a bookshelf

I have quite a considerable personal library (see my Marie Kondo-inspired bookshelf above). I consider books as an investment. I love to learn new things and reading is one of the easiest and cheapest ways to do this.

What follows are reviews on some of my favourite books. These are some of the best tomes I have come across. What follows are honest, unsolicited recommendations. 

While I started this list in 2016, I have and will continue to add my latest favourite reads to the list (in order of my personal preference)

Daring Greatly - Brene Brown

Anyone that knows me, knows how I feel about Brene Brown. A fear and shame researcher, it feels like she touches my soul when I read her books.  Even though she's a hardcore academic, she writes beautifully and this book is no exception.

Daring Greatly is one of my favourite reads of 2016. Brown has tackled vulnerability head-on and smashes it by bringing it to light. Brown demonstrates that by being vulnerable we make ourselves available for deeper connection and open the path to greatness - in us and those around us.

“Vulnerability is the birthplace of love, belonging, joy, courage, empathy, and creativity. It is the source of hope, empathy, accountability, and authenticity. If we want greater clarity in our purpose or deeper and more meaningful spiritual lives, vulnerability is the path.”

Daring Greatly by Brene Brown

Through her easy, gentle and persuasive logic, Brown shows that we are all vulnerable and what makes us strong is acceptance and demonstration of that vulnerability to the important people in our lives.

Brown notes that it is imperative that we share our vulnerabilities with the people we share our lives with (not everyone, but select individuals) to ensure that we develop deep and meaningful connections but also so that we lead lives according to our true purpose. 

Based on years of research, Brown highlights the importance of vulnerability, the risks associated with shame and the path to moving through this to love and light.

I cannot recommend Brene Brown's work highly enough. This book is a must-read for anyone battling demons of the past or working through insecurities in the pursuit of a fulfilled and happy life.

The Happiness Code - Domonique Bertolucci

"Happiness is a choice. Choose to be happy and you will be"

This seemingly simple sequence of twelve words literally changed my life. I was given this book as a gift at a very dark time and it helped pull me from the edge back into the light.

The Happiness Code is one of my favourite books. I have read it over and over and every time I get something new out of it.

Bertolucci is a writing genious. She's forthright but calm and patient with her readers. Full of inspirational messages, The Happiness Code is a book I will never part with. It is a bible among tomes. Not in size but in impact.

I've never been one to judge a book by its weight. I have read some very lengthy publications that have given me very little and much shorter manuscripts that have literally changed my life. This book is definitely in the latter category.

I love Domonique's style of writing. Easy to read, she finds the perfect balance of narration and personal inflexion in messaging. Simply put, her words hit you right in the heartstrings and strike you down with their honesty and insight.

This is the perfect book to read on holiday. It's heartfelt and will change the way you return to a 'normal' life.

I cannot recommend this highly enough. This should be mandatory reading for all our school children to provide them with the tools they need to live their best life.

Other books by the same author

While Brene has taken the top spot on this list, Domonique is my favourite author (it helps that she’s an amazing human too). Domonique has penned a number of other books that I love and also recommend, in order of my personal preference

  • The Kindness Pact

  • Less is More

  • 100 Days Happier

  • The Daily Promise

  • Your Best Life

Hygge - Marie Tourell Soderberg

Hygge by Marie Tourell Soderberg

Hygge (pronounced hugh-gir) is Danish for happiness. And it's a feeling you get as soon as you look at the book. Its sparkly cover, cursive font and simple yet busy design of the front cover are just the beginning.

This book covers the history of hygge (which satisfies the academic in me) as well as the components thereof including togetherness, recipes, house design and inspiration for traditions that encourage hygge.

Filled with gorgeous, real photos of typical Danish households; this book oozes comfort food, family celebrations and ideas to incorporate Danish traditions into daily life to bring greater happiness and joy to life. Every day.

Hygge is an extraordinary concept and a great aspirational state. If you're looking for something that will make you feel great and motivate you to bring more happiness to your life, look no further. 

This book is so great, I've bought it as a gift for a girlfriend so I can share the joy.

168 Hours - Laura Vanderkam

This book is a game changer.

168 Hours by Laura Vanderkam

Filled with practical advice on making the most of your life without burning yourself to the ground, Vanderkham firmly but realistically points out that we all have more time than we think we do. 

With 168 hours per week at our disposal, choice is what sets us apart. Simply put, we can choose to blob on the couch after work at night or learn another language. 

Vanderkham includes insightful questions and interactive prompts throughout the book to steer the reader through the fact that life has no guarantees, only opportunities. And that we are given 168 opportunities each week to make a difference. 

The act of keeping a time log will highlight where you 'lose' time in a day and across a week. The tips included within the pages of this book will have you feeling simultaneously more productive and more refreshed. 

Crushing It - Gary Vaunerchuk

Full disclosure here, I didn't technically 'read' this book. This is one of my Audible purchases but it is narrated by the big man himself (along with some of the individuals from the case studies included in the book) which means that addendums post-print have also been included. I see this as another bonus to the fact that I can learn while I walk to the train station and commute to work!

To be honest, I'd read a book by anyone with a net worth of $160 million but this is a game changer! I've watched Gary Vee, as he's affectionately called, for years. His no-bullshit approach to work is something I can really get on board with. Plus, he's not afraid to swear and, as a fellow potty mouth, I dig that.

Following on from the bestseller success of Crush It! Why Now Is the Time To Cash In On Your Passion, Crushing It features some incredible case studies demonstrating Gary's suggested approach in action. All the cases mentioned in ‘Crushing It’ demonstrate a meteoric rise in the individual's chosen field and aptly display how versatile Gary'd approach to success is across all industries.

Crushing It is the ultimate inspiration for anyone wanting to pursue their passion to build a successful business and live life according to their own agenda.

Crushing it is written in Gary's usual style - straight up and damn inspirational. Gary is a man who won't apologise for who he is and that is something that resonates throughout his book. He tells it like it is and he's not afraid to admit his mistakes. Gary's level of transparency is rare and a welcome change to some of the other self-help books I've read in the past.

If you're looking to start or expand your business, build your brand or otherwise make your mark on the world I would definitely recommend you read Crushing It.

I loved this so much I will also be buying the print version so I can easily refer back to sections of interest whenever I am in need of some direction or reassurance that I am on the right path.

Crushing It by Gary Vaynerchuk

The Mind-Gut Connection - Emeran Mayer

One of the best books I have read about the relationship between what we eat, how we feel and the way we think.
I have always been a strong advocate for following my gut; this book reaffirmed to me the science of those decisions and how important it is to act on what feels right.

Consuming a predominantly plant-based diet is key for not only optimal gut health but also brain function; for the two are inextricably linked.

Your body is a powerful tool. If you tap into that wisdom, the world will be a much easier place to navigate.

Your gut has capabilities that surpass all your other organs and even rival your brain. It has its own nervous system, known in scientific literature as the enteric nervous system, or ENS, and often referred to in the media as the “second brain.” This second brain is made up of 50-100 million nerve cells, as many as are contained in your spinal cord.

The Mind-Gut Connection by Emeran Mayer

Wabi Sabi - Beth Kempton

I never imagined a whole book could be written about two words but, in Wabi Sabi, Beth Kempton has done just that.

Eloquent, insightful and with behind-the-scenes tips for visiting Japan, Wabi Sabi is a brilliant read. Kempton has created a visually appealing book that talks about the benefits of living a perfectly imperfect life.

Kempton introduces the world to the beauty of Japan and the enduring culture that seeps through the everyday practices there; connecting locals with traditions of the past and reminding them to live simply while focusing on what really matters - the perfection of fleeting moments.

A complex concept, wabi sabi is intricately woven into the way in which the Japanese go about their day. Like love, wabi sabi means different things to different people so an explicit definition is elusive at best. Kempton does a great job of unpacking the elaborate meaning in a way that is easy to digest.

The fact that the book itself is aesthetically pleasing makes it even easier to read!

While not a travel book per se, reading Wabi Sabi has made me want to journey to Japan sooner rather than later. Japan has always been on my travel list but it's definitely climbed the ladder after reading this passionate account of what seems to be a delightful country, in every sense.

Wabi Sabi in practice

Kempton leads the reader to reflect on their own lives and find ways to authentically introduce the concept of wabi sabi. From your home environment to financial planning to your career to ageing gracefully; Kempton argues that we can find happiness where we are now while we work towards where we want to be by being true to our values.

Wabi Sabi is a book filled with possibilities. It left me feeling enlightened, motivated and calm. So effective, I even started practising the concept before I finished reading!


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