Staying active at work


Why does it matter to stay active during the work day?

  • Research has shown that sitting for extended periods of time is linked with obesity, type 2 diabetes and an increased risk of both heart disease and cancer

  • Excessive sitting can slow the metabolism and wreak havoc on digestion

  • Being sedentary can impact the body’s ability to regulate blood pressure and blood sugar and slow fat metabolism

  • Being still for long periods with poor posture can cause back and hip problems

Benefits of staying active during the workday

In 2012 ten Brummelhuis and Bakker published an article on the work-home interface which provides a framework for the interrelationship between home and work. The resulting work-home model details how demands in one domain impedes accomplishment in the other. Using this theory, being more active during work hours can impact work performance.

Examples of this include:

  • Improved focus, concentration, creativity and productivity

  • Higher quality output

  • Faster learning and a sharper memory

  • Prolonged mental stamina

  • Lower stress levels and better stress management

  • Reduced risk of burnout

  • Reduced absenteeism as a result of a stronger immune system

  • Increased motivation and improved collaboration

  • Greater confidence

  • Better sleep – falling asleep faster and waking less during the night

  • Improved mental health and mood

The journey of a thousand miles begin with a single step
— Lao Tzu

Ways to stay active during the workday

  • Walk or ride part of the way to the office or go for a quick walk around the block before entering the office in the morning/getting into the car on the way home

  • Take the stairs

  • Volunteer to do a coffee run

  • Schedule standing and walking meetings

  • Make use of sit-to-stand desks if your workplace provides them – not only is standing great for your back and posture, it burns more calories than sitting

  • Schedule meetings on different floors/spaces in your office to encourage you to get up and about

  • Get up and speak to someone in the office rather than making a call

  • Get out for a walk, run or join an exercise class at lunchtime

  • If you take a call on your mobile, walk around the office while you are chatting

  • If you’re working from home, you can do 5 lunges/squats/calf raises/push ups/sit ups/star jumps or some simple stretches between each meeting

  • The best stretches for combatting a sedentary job are neck stretches to loosen the neck and shoulders, lateral stretches to reduce tightness in the chest, back and upper body, wrist stretches and hamstring/quad stretches. Hold each stretch to the point of light resistance for 10-30 seconds

  • Stay hydrated – at least then you will need to get up regularly to pee

  • Get out and play a game - soccer, table tennis or a round of backyard cricket with your workmates can be a great way to get your heart rate up during lunchtime


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