Sleep induction mat

Sleep induction mat

We’ve covered the importance of sleep in an earlier blog post. Needless to say, it’s an essential part of a healthy life impacting bone, tissue and muscle repair, memory formation, hormone regulation and information processing.

A sleep induction or acupressure mat is one of the tools that can assist you in finding deep, restorative sleep.

In traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), acupuncture and, later, acupressure has been used to stimulate meridians, a network of energy pathways through the body. Acupressure is used to increase the flow of “qi” or what TCM refers to as bioenergy.

Studies show that acupressure helps initiate sleep and promote deeper sleep throughout the night.

When the going gets tough, the tough take a nap
— Tom Hodgkinson

How can a sleep induction mat help?

Designed to run from your pelvis to your shoulders, a sleep induction mat is usually the size of a pillowcase and is covered in small plastic spikes.

Your spine and shoulders have a number of pressure points that are traditionally used to stimulate relaxation and stress relief. A sleep induction mat stimulates acupressure points along your back and shoulders that can induce relaxation, release endorphins and assist in falling asleep and help you to have deeper sleep.

Acupressure has been shown to relieve chronic neck and back pain. Furthermore, there is some emerging evidence to indicate that sleep induction mats may also help alleviate headaches. You can adjust the positioning of the sleep induction mat to include your head and neck to see if this is helpful for you.

Sleep is an investment in the energy you need to be effective tomorrow
— Tom Roth

Using a sleep induction mat

A sleep induction mat can be a little like lying on a bed of nails the first few times. I started by using a sleep induction mat with pyjamas or a t-shirt on initially. Once I was familiar with the sensation, I did it with a bare back. Depending on your sensitivity level, you may need to start with a towel covering the mat to reduce the sensation further until you get used to it.

Lay the mat on your bed and then lie down on it with your back to the bed. Keep your weight evenly distributed on the mat. Breathe deeply to help relax your mind and your body.

Acupressure is a stimulant. Most people find that a sleep induction mat will generate a nervous system and a circulatory response (aka, your back might go red after lying on the mat). The initial spikey feeling will be replaced with a feeling of warmth. Increased blood circulation tends to ease the body into a deep state of relaxation which acts to both release tension and improve sleep.

Start by lying on the mat for 10 minutes initially, building up to 30-40 minutes as you get used to it. There is no set amount of time you should be aiming for, listen to your body and lie on the mat until you feel sleepy.

You can try reading or meditating while using your induction mat to get a double win. Habit stacking like this can lead to multiple benefits simultaneously.



