22 | Inflammation
Mandy Hooper Mandy Hooper

22 | Inflammation

Inflammation is your body's natural response to injury, infection and other harmful stimuli. Acute inflammation is crucial for healing.

When your body continues to send inflammatory cells when there is no danger, chronic inflammation can result.

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20 | Listen To Your Body
Mandy Hooper Mandy Hooper

20 | Listen To Your Body

Our bodies are constantly giving us cues as to what's happening as a result of our actions. If you are trying to reach goals and achieve optimal health, listening to your body helps you determine what's working and what's not.

While it is important to work hard, it is also important to recover well - both mentally and physically.

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19 | Anxiety
Mandy Hooper Mandy Hooper

19 | Anxiety

19% of adults in the US were affected by anxiety last year. There's a systemic issue in workplaces that is perpetuating anxiety and it needs to stop.

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18 | Best Health Investments
Mandy Hooper Mandy Hooper

18 | Best Health Investments

In today's episode, I give you my top tips for free, inexpensive and a little indulgent investments for your health. From a $5 skipping rope to a cold plunge tub, listen to find out more about the best equipment to keep you in top shape.

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17 | Challenges of a High Performance Mindset
Mandy Hooper Mandy Hooper

17 | Challenges of a High Performance Mindset

Touted as one of the tools to achieve never-ending success, there are some potential downsides to a high-performance mindset. Explore the darker side of the pursuit of new heights and the ways you can find balance as you strive to exceed your potential in this podcast episode.

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16 | Know Thy Self
Mandy Hooper Mandy Hooper

16 | Know Thy Self

Self-awareness, the ability to identify and understand the things that make you you, is the first step towards change. Listen to this episode to hear all about how I employ self-awareness to support me in achieving my goals.

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15 | Stretching and Mobility
Mandy Hooper Mandy Hooper

15 | Stretching and Mobility

While physical movement is important for cardiovascular health and strength, stretching keeps muscles flexible to maintain a full range of motion. Mobility training supports free movement helping decrease the risk of injury and supports weight-bearing at the extremes of positions (which is usually where injuries occur).

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