I make it easy

I want our coaching services to be the right fit for you. To make it easy, I’ve addressed some of the common concerns that you might have about health coaching.

If there’s anything I haven’t covered, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

I’m a smart person, why would I invest in health coaching?

Smart people know that it takes a team to get somewhere fast; that leveraging expert knowledge helps us to leap-frog ahead and that accountability drives change until that change is self-sustaining. By investing in health coaching, you are shortening the change cycle, reducing the risk of making mistakes that you otherwise might have and outsourcing the mental load.

In short, you will get better results, faster.

I am busy, how will I be able to make this work for me?

Courses are run virtually and recordings are made available afterwards for those that can’t attend live.

As with most things in life, the more you put in the more you will get out of our course. That said, I make it as easy as possible for you to start taking action and get results from day 1.

Why would I choose you?

I appreciate I may not be the right fit for everyone. You may not like my hair, my voice or my approach. That’s okay!

Incremental Health is for you if you

  • Are a busy professional

  • Have competing demands on your precious time

  • Are unsure where to start or how to elevate your health from where you are now

  • Are committed to making changes towards a more healthful life

The offering is more expensive than I thought it would be, why would I pay for your services?

I take on the heavy lifting so you can turn up and take action. I’ve done the research for over a decade and tested out everything we recommend to our clients so we know they work for busy professionals. I understand the pressure you are under, and how difficult it can be to put yourself ahead of your family and your job and we know that it is possible to add healthful habits into an already hectic schedule.

There’s no doubt you can do this on your own. I know that because that’s what I did. But it took me the better part of 7 years to get to where I am now (and please note, I was not particularly unhealthy prior to commencing on this journey). I am confident I can get you to where you want to be in a shorter period of time (weeks or months), with less trial and error and save you a ton of money on products that won’t work or are not appropriate for you.

Are there any other costs involved?

Potentially. Every customer is different and I may make recommendations for products, supplements or additional services that you don’t have or currently use. There’s no obligation to buy anything (and I get no kickbacks from my recommendations). I make these suggestions based on my own experience and the benefits I and others have from using these products and services.

You are strong and capable and free to make decisions on what recommendations you take on or don’t. You are the captain of your own ship - steer the course as you see fit.

