Grace under pressure


Overwhelm. One of the most prevalent feelings of 2020. The pace of life with the addition of uncertainty and a disruption to daily routines. Work from home, homeschooling, inconsistent messages from the government, a distinct lack of leadership, inability to rely on usual coping mechanisms (such as gym time or holidays), job uncertainty, shipping delays, product unavailability and the ever-present risk of a major health crisis. The global pandemic has thrown even the most resilient of us off balance.

For those with preexisting mental health issues, 2020 has likely heightened anxiety and depression. Rates of self-harm and suicide have increased alarmingly. In addition, domestic violence and alcohol consumption are also on the rise.

No amount of homemade sourdough or banana bread can quell the rising adrenal fatigue.

So, like a duck that's feet are beating furiously under water but glides effortlessly on the surface, how do you present with grace under pressure?

Unfortunately, there is no magic wand you can wave to give you the skills you need to exhibit grace when under stress. This one takes practice. The more often you manage to execute this, the better you will get. Start small and work to perfect dealing with situations that put you a little outside your comfort zone first. Once you have managed to maintain an even emotional state with small stresses; continue to move on to things that cause more stress for you.

The following techniques have helped me to display grace under pressure:

  1. Breathe. Breathwork will help in any stressful situation. Focusing on extending the length of your exhale relative to the inhale will calm your parasympathetic nervous system; lowering your heart rate and blood pressure and allowing you to think more clearly. Aim to have at least triple the length of time when exhaling when compared to the inhale.

  2. Smile. It's probably the last thing you feel like doing when stressed, but the physical act of smiling will trigger a chemical response and act to boost your mood.

  3. Focus on the things that are within your circle of control. Identify the aspects of the situation that you can have a direct influence on and start working towards a resolution for them.

  4. Make a list. Crossing things off a handwritten or electronic list will give you a sense of accomplishment and help you to see your progress even when it feels like you are making little headway.

  5. Take care of your physical well-being. Meditate, drink plenty of water, steer clear of refined foods, increase your consumption of leafy green vegetables, and consider a zinc supplement.

Remember to be kind to yourself (and those around you).


Walking meditation

